Saturday, January 30, 2010

American Obesity, A Brief Review of "Sugar the Bitter Truth"

For all of you who don't already know, UCTV is quite a wonderful free resource for heaps of lecture series on many topic, including health and nutrition by specialists in the field. I have always taken an interest in Health and Nutrition, and was emailed by family to watch this 1hr and 30 min lecture on Sugar, and how it is in everything we eat these days, I mean literally everything," and how the human body really was not designed to manage Sucrose (which breaks down into glucose and fructose molecules in the body), in the amounts that we do.

The video below really speaks for itself, and I would go as far as to say that Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology,has hit the nail on the head when it comes to why Americans have ballooned in size over the past 30-40 years. What is comes down to is hardly surprising as the economics of "maximising shareholder profit," seems to be the most important spiritual value (if you can consider it one) in economy of food production and distribution in a world where the current economic model is collapsing before our very eyes and even as I write this. They say that things have to change, so in terms of Nutrition and diet I would like to summarise briefly how we can change one of the most elemental phenomena in our food supply. I would like to propose here that we discard the value so many hold that upholds profit higher than even people, see that it does not serve us (as this is a perfect example of how it serves no one, not even the people at the top of this pyramid as they are eating the same food as everyone else) and to re-write values that we would like to have serve us. Beware, as watching this video make shake up your dietary habits but first check out the video:

1 comment:

  1. Here are some main points that stood out to me from this presentation:

    1.) Fast food is essentially fiber-less food.
    2.) Fructose is treated by the body the same way that alcohol is, as a toxin.
    3.) Sucrose (table sugar, cane sugar) is made up of one sucrose molecule and one fructose molecule) and High-Fructose Corn Syrup is essentially the same thing as Sucrose, just cheaper and in all processed foods these days.

    also the Lifestyle intervention plan is simple and as follows:

    step 1: Eliminate all sugary liquids from your diet (only drink milk or water or non-sugared tea)
    step 2: Eat Carbs with fiber
    step 3: Wait 20 mins for second portions
    step 4: Equivalent screen time (tv or computer time) balanced with equivalent time of physical activity (thus if you watch tv for 4 hours/day, then you balance it with 4 hours of physical activity per day)
