Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brief Movie Review for "Down to the Bone" (2005)

4/5 STARS ****
Very realistic, and an educational story about what I believe is probably the experience for most people in modern society who are not wealthy or well educated and who rely on drugs to numb their pain, although the wealthy and educated spend just as much time if not more, on drugs and alcohol to numb their own inner-conflicts and insecurities in life. The story is about a mother who works at kmart and is also a drug addict, and everyone in her life are also drug addicts. Drugs and alcohol can turn off some of the mind's constant fear-mongering and harassment, but it really is a trap in of itself, and the only way to really quiet one's mind (without destroying one's own body and life) is to put a lot of time and effort into facing issues that one does not want to face, but must if healing is ever to occur, and then to once the majority of one's issues have been at least accepted and surrendered to, then one can start to work at cultivating a quiet/peaceful mind...a theory anyways. 

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