Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Brief Movie Review for 'Special' (2006)

My Rating = 3.3/5 Stars ***'
A good movie over-all, and not a typical formula either. A mildly depressed Los-Angeles meter-maid decides to participate in a new drug clinical trial to see if it will help him to move forward in his life. Only he finds that the drug actually causes schizophrenia and delusions that he has superpowers and is here to tackle crime in super-hero fashion. You may find yourself worrying the whole time about what the main character is going to do to himself next, and I reckon that this movie actually has a message about classism and how the working class of people in our society finds themselves leading meaningless lives, working in meaningless jobs, being told to just tow the line and not question the order of things, and then repeatedly used, abused, and manipulated by the system and higher classes which regards them as useless trash. Just take another pill and you will forget all your problems....definitely check this one out if your looking for something to watch.

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