Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Flowering of Human Consciousness Review

Finally, I talk so much about Eckhart Tolle and how great his teachings are, so I wanted to do a quick review on his Seminar (which is all up on youtube for free by the way) called "The Flowering of Human Consciousness."

This is hardly a review, and more of a plug for it really, as I cannot stress enough how significant the stuff he covers in this seminar is. The actual seminar took place in La Jolla California in 2001, so it is already 9 YEARS OLD!!! Having trouble sinking into the new decade??? Your not alone. So anyways, in simply watching this entire seminar you will have awakened some "Presence," in yourself. "Presence," as defined by Tolle, is awakened consciousness, or consciousness that is fully conscious of itself, or fully aware. This leads me to discuss a bit about "Awakened Doing," and how Tolle and Walsch both mention in their books that in the "New Earth," it is not about what you are doing that will make a difference, but the state of being in which you are "doing" something.
I'd like to refer to Walsch now briefly. In CWG (short of Conversations with God) God mentions that humans have it backward in their attempts to experience their desires. He says that they think first they have what is they desire (eg love), then they will do loving things with that and be loving, when in fact the true way or most effective way to do this (and anyone can no matter what their current reality is) is to first be loving, then you will do loving things from that state of being, and then you will have love, because that which you give you realize that you had it to give in the first place. Interesting stuff! I believe it ties right into what Tolle discusses when he mentions awakened doing, and how doing from such a state of being is what transforms the world and consciousness itself into higher order.
Anyways this is a brief post, so here's the first video, there are 11 parts on the first session, and 10 or so on the second.

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