"Gigante" (2009)
3.5 Stars ***"
This is not a move to watch if you are seeking action, as it is very slow-paced, however, that is what makes it interesting in my opinion. It is not a typical formula movie, as it follows some pretty ordinary people who work at a 'Wal-Mart' type store in Montevideo, Uruguay, and specifically a night-shift-security guard who develops a crush on one of the night-cleaners by watching her over the security cameras, and then semi-stalking her for months before ever developing the courage to actually talk to her face to face. I can relate to this character somewhat, as sometimes it is much easier to live in your own mind with a fantasy idea of what a relationship or a person you have a crush on is (although it is really just an idea in one's mind and nothing more), than it is to actually meet that person and realize its all just an illusion in your head. That goes for places too, actually, the idea that a place or a person can fulfill you, or help you to be more "fully yourself." Well, that was a long review, check out the movie!
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