Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26th, 2010

So the USA is beaten out of the World Cup by Ghana once again, and today is the Pluto in the Full-moon day/night also known as the planet of death and rebirth indicating massive death and rebirth (according to my astrologer Steve Judd). Interesting times no doubt. I hear news of social services being cut all around, public libraries closing, schools closing, money being funneled away to somewhere, after all the money doesn't just disappear, it goes into someones secret bank accounts somewhere. You know, I always wondered, when is enough enough? Like Charlie Sheen's character in the original Wall Street movie (I see they are making a crappy sequel at the moment), says to the Pope of Greed (Gordon Gecko, aka Michael Douglas's character), "How much is enough Gordon, how many yachts can you water-ski behind?" That is a good question to all of those who are actually receiving the money. Do the ultra-rich actually think that life is really going to be better for them when they have to live in gated communities, travel with body-guards everywhere they go, engage in mafia-esque tactics, compete with other ultra-richies for who can spend the most money on meaningless material items that lose their luster quickly after? As a character from Conan the Barbarian once said "the jewels cease to sparkel, the gold loses its luster, and all that is left is a father's (or mother's) love for their child." Well no doubt it is going to be interesting to see how all of the Daniel Plainview's (see There Will Be Blood) of the world feel when they have "won it all," my guess is their feeling of victory will be short-lived in their never-ending need thirst for more, they are the true vampires of this world, the malignant parasites of cut-throat capitalism at their worst. But, in the end it is all just life, there are no good guys or bad guys, as eventually everything passes and everything dies, even Walt Disney who has frozen his body in some cryogenic freezer has passed and even that freezer will crack and dissolve over thousands of years and then what??  They say it is the inevitable collapse of the collective human ego and its pain body, but we shall see. I am talking crazy talk now I suppose, but I remain optimistic, I see the city of Detroit as a place that collapsed early on, and which is already rising from the ashes in many ways to give us all insight on what the future is going to look like. Did any of these material items and toys really make our lives better? And by who's definition of better? I know that Ali G would say, "in the sense that something is better and something is worse," but we all know its a bit deeper that that, unless we don't. Crapola, now what team do I follow?

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