Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brief Movie Review: 'The Kings Speech' (2010)

The King's Speech (2010)
5/5 Stars *****

Very well done movie, and I would be surprised if there aren't some Academy Awards in store here, and as I found out earlier tonight there already have been some Golden Globes awarded. I am pretty sure this is based on 'true events' and character portrayals of the British Royal family just pre-WWII. King George VI, who had a speech defect, and his trials with dealing with making lots of public speeches as well as the politics of an looming war with Germany. It is interesting how the little things, the small victories lead to larger ones, such as the development of the right leaders at the right times to ward off the complete dominance of Nazi-Germany in Europe. This movie has the highest quality acting I have seen in quite a long time, don't miss it!

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